The Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities in New York (CICU) is a statewide organization devoted to advancing the interests of private higher education in New York State. With a membership of 100+ private colleges and universities across the state, CICU provides a variety of services and programs developed to meet the needs of independent higher education.

The CICU Affiliate Program serves an important link between New York State’s business sector and the educational community by highlighting the role of New York’s Independent Sector as a purchaser of goods and services. CICU invites and selects Affiliates as a means of providing resources to its members.

The Benefits of Affiliation

Affiliates are recognized as supporting independent higher education in New York.

  • Affiliates are named on this website, and invited to provide information about their businesses and products.
  • Affiliates receive a subscription to CICU publications including the Collaborative e-newsletter.
  • CICU will annually distribute promotional material to CICU member campuses.
  • Only affiliates will be considered for the CICU Collaborative

Become an Affiliate

CICU Affiliate status is available to companies that meet these criteria:

  • Maintain a reputation for ethical business practices by affirming the CICU code of conduct included on the Affiliate application
  • Have a record of providing goods or services to at least one CICU member college or university, or another state association for independent colleges and universities
  • Remit the CICU Affiliate fee

Please inquire about becoming a CICU Affiliate by contacting or calling (518) 436-4781.

Download an Affiliate Expression of Interest Form (pdf).

For more information, contact: or call (518) 436-4781

Copyright © 2025. Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities. All Rights Reserved.

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